Chasing Chinese spies in Switzerland | Hotel Espionage
A hotel run by a Chinese family near Meringen airport allegedly served as a base for military espionage. The presence of American F35 aircraft during training caught the attention of Chinese spies, who …
If you want to make Money, Never think of Profit and always put People Over Profit (POP), never put Profit Over People (POP)...some times there are no thin lines...
China’s EVs Immediately Collapse Without Mobile Signal
That afternoon, around 6 pm, while watching the sunset at the mountain, they were suddenly hit by strong winds, rain, and even hail. The couple rushed to get their child into the …
All-Time Great Photographers | 60 Minutes Full Episodes
From 2023, Anderson Cooper's interview with James Nachtwey about his career photographing armed conflict across the world. From 2018, Bill Whitaker's story on Joel Sartore's Photo Ark. Also from 2018, Cooper's profile of …
Please remind Russia, Nigeria alone is a country of over 218.5 million, No one, I repeat, No one is afraid of America or NATO and if we fear NOT America or NATO, is it Russia? Use Less Clowns 😂😂🙄🙄🙄🤡🤡🤡