I understand, my China UPS stopped working after just 3 months, meanwhile I bought Cheaper made in Thailand UPS and it is still working even after one year
China's Robot Vacuums Are Garbage, Enraging Buyers to Smash Them. Would …
As you already know, for the past few years, China has been battling a property crisis. But, a few weeks ago, a series of banks seemingly collapsed into a larger bank, raising the …
If you knew what the Russians and Germans did to the French in WW2 and what the French did to Africans, Asians, Arabs and others, You will prepare for a very very very long war...
The Chosen People of God indeed.... 😂🤣😂🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 FUCKING TERRORISTS who will NEVER have peace. Question is....Which Fucking God will choose a people who don't even know or care about HIM or HIS Laws?
Expert: graduates should pay to be employed /One out of 100,000 compete for an office job in Beijing
In recent years, the Chinese government has been pushing to develop and commercialize unmanned driving technology. In a country where unemployment is a …
S11 E04: Medical Boards, Gaza & Mark Robinson: 1/10/24: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
John Oliver discusses how state medical boards fail to protect patients, Kamala Harris’s awkward call for a ceasefire in Gaza, the North Carolina Republican running …