China's youth are at a breaking point. China's economy is in the tank and youth unemployment is at a record high. And that's according to official statistics. The true situation is probably much, …
Putin Wins Dictator for Life in Russian "Election"
Putin decided to give himself 87% of the final vote in Russia's presidential election. Meanwhile Russian ground forces have not advanced in weeks and Russian oil refineries continue to take damage and go …
China’s Expos Are Dying, Visitors Plummet by 90%, No More Western Clients, Exhibitors Are Crying!
On November 9th, a remarkable protest erupted in an international convention center in Tanzhou, Foshan City, Guangdong, China, where hundreds of exhibitors demanded refunds from …
Foxconn’s Boss Defiantly Confronts the CCP: “They Fear Me, Not Vice Versa. I’m Moving Foxconn Now.”
In recent years, as part of an effort to gradually reduce dependency on China, Foxconn has been diversifying its production lines, relocating some of …
No use: Business leaders were dined by Xi; Walmart aside, Blackstone sells $1.4 billion China assets
The global business community used to predict that with epidemic restrictions being lifted in China, the global supply chain would return to normal, and …
Speaking To SCAMMERS Through Their CCTV Cameras! In this video, I will be confronting a group of Microsoft scammers by talking DIRECTLY through their CCTV security cameras.