China’s Luxury Homes, Cars, Fine Dining, and High-End Goods Are All Collapsed! Top Tycoons Fleeing
It is said that even the top-tier luxury homeowners are beginning to exit the real estate market, with widespread panic and extremely pessimistic sentiments, especially in …
China’s Financial Center Falters: Even Blackrock’s Discounted Offices Unsold, 60% Remain Empty
A shocking 60% vacancy rate in Shanghai's Qiantan office buildings? This is not a joke. As a professional in Shanghai office space rentals, let me share a method to …
For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? 1 Peter 4:17
What goes around will always come around...what you do to others will also be done to you and your generations. White People used Drugs to Destory China and Black Americans and now, what goes around is finally coming back around...see how …
Why is he smiling? Because he knows it's all for show, he will be released soon, he is a WHITE Terrorists. The White Terrorists rule the world, that is why the world is full of Terror.
The reason people like Putin and co can come out in Public and tell BIG LIES is because 99.9% of the People are ALL STUPID....Stupid will always produce and defend Stupid. Russia that cannot even produce Needles - EU state …