Journey through the life of Barack Obama, from his college years to family life, presidency, and his iconic partnership with his anger translator, Luther.
3 weeks, 2 days ago
ส. 21st ธันวาคม 2024
[UTC + 07:00]
My Sister got a BBL | Reggie Conquest | Stand Up Comedy
Comedian Reggie Conquest jokes about living with a gay couple in NYC, why he didn't pass the test to become a cop, and how his family reacted when his …
China’s Bakery Sector Doomed: Leading Stock to Delist, Bread Over $2 Unsold
Amid China’s economic downturn this year, numerous internet-famous bakery brands have collapsed. Also, many traditional bakeries are also struggling under immense pressure to survive. One notable example is Christine, …
Whole Foods workers say they’re surveilled, tracked to the minute, and have to work two jobs to survive. Amazon bought the grocery chain in 2017. Now it’s like “walking around in the corpse of what …