You were born without electricity, you almost died as a baby, you grew up without basic provisions, you have no roof over your head, you go days without food or water, you have no bed to sleep on, all your life …
You mean we should trust the Governments and public institutions who said the LOCK DOWN will only be for two weeks? or that the "Special Military Operation" will only last for 3 days? Believe a Prostitute before you believe the Politicians …
Russia hosted this year's BRICS summit and India and China once again refused to repeat or endorse any of Russia's lies about their war in Ukraine and instead implored Putin to deescalate the …
If you have no property, by Property I mean list of estate or and shopping malls, houses, schools, companies, farms, businesses....Your Vote DO NOT and WILL NEVER Count.
That is why I NEVER VOTE because I have no Private …
Will Beijing's Efforts Work? CCP tosses out contradictory policies in panic, triggering more crises
China's economy is in a rapid decline. The Chinese Communist government appears alarmed and recently launched a series of remedial measures. Will these measures …