New economic sanctions have been placed on Russia by The United States, the G7, and the EU that has halted all trading in dollars and euros on the Moscow Stock Exchange Market. The Russian …
Why the West Underestimated Ukraine: A Tale of Misleading Signals and Misguided Priorities
At the beginning of 2022, there was a broad consensus in the Western intelligence community that Russia would achieve a quick military victory against Ukraine. The effort would …
4 weeks, 1 day ago
พฤ. 12th ธันวาคม 2024
[UTC + 07:00]
Pakistan’s Economy Choked by Reliance on Chinese-Built Power Plants, Triggering Large-Scale Clashes
Pakistan is currently over $1 billion in arrears on electricity payments to Chinese companies, with an additional $15 billion in debt for power plants, and another $9 billion owed …
Tanks Roll on Chad Streets as Military "Foils" Armed Assault on Presidential Complex, 19 Killed
On January 8, gunmen attacked Chad's presidential palace, leading to clashes that resulted in 19 deaths, including 18 attackers and one security personnel. The assailants attempted …