9 Terrorists Killed As Taliban-Linked Tehreek-E-Jihad Pakistan Attacks PAF Airbase In Mianwali
A Pakistani Air Force base in Mianwali came under a massive terror attack involving suicide bombers on November 4. The Pakistani military said six militants attacked an air force training …
And the FOOL invaded in 2014....meanwhile people in Russia are FREEZING to Death and this FOOL is still talking Folly. This bastard has been ruling Russia since 1999..let that sink in while you support them useless Governments.
After seven months of delays from MAGA Republicans, a scheduled vote by Speaker Johnson on military aid to Ukraine will take place this Saturday night and it cannot be stopped by members who support Russia. …
4 weeks, 2 days ago
พฤ. 12th ธันวาคม 2024
[UTC + 07:00]
Black People in American don't get it, when you always talk about and make fun of a Black Man killing another Black Man and turning a Black Queen to a crackhead, who the fuck do you think is going to respect …
You mean we should trust the Governments and public institutions who said the LOCK DOWN will only be for two weeks? or that the "Special Military Operation" will only last for 3 days? Believe a Prostitute before you believe the Politicians …