If you think anything will change, you are part of the problem, if you VOTE, you are part of the Problem, if you are a Nationalist, Capitalist, Socialist, Communist....YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM!
Which USE LESS Islamic world? is it the same Islamic world that has done nothing to the Abuse, Death and Detention of Muslims in China and India? which of the Islamic World? the Sunni one or the shiite (Shia) one? …
Older Generations are USE LESS, STUPID, LAZY, IGNORANT AND USE LESS....Thank God soon they will ALL BE DEAD and if the New Generation continue like the old?...well, they too will be Dead Soon 🙄🙄🙄
Google to destroy billions of private browsing records to settle Chrome lawsuit
Google has agreed to purge billions of records containing personal information collected from more than 136 million people in the U.S. surfing the internet through its Chrome web browser. …
Fire Breaks Out at China’s Battery Giant CATL Factory, Smoke Billows to the Sky
Around 11 a.m. on September 29, a fire suddenly broke out at CATL's production site, one of China’s leading battery manufacturers. Videos circulating online show a white …
China’s Westward Migration Wasted 1 Trillion USD: Guangdong Firms Shift to Sichuan. War Coming?
Recently, platforms across China have been filled with videos like these. Many companies in Guangdong have declared they are responding to the Party's call, preparing to move …
Zelenskiy accuses Russian forces of lighting fire at Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant
Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskiy says Russian forces started a fire on the site of the occupied Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in southern Ukraine and that the blaze …
Chinese Unique 'Peng Ci' Challenge: Who Lies Flat First, Who Wins!
As depicted in another video, two groups quarreled in the streets. When the pushing began, a larger man dramatically fell, prompting the opposing side to likewise "lie down," mimicking …