KinKhxb Teck
1 month, 1 week ago Aug 07, 2024
Google Monopoly is Real
Google Is a Monopoly: Judge Rules Against Tech Giant in Landmark Antitrust Case 
How to Budget for Google Ads Cost
When you create a campaign in Google Ads, you set an average daily budget. This is what you’re comfortable spending for each campaign.
Google recommends starting with a spend of $10 - $50 / day.
To advertise on Google, you pay average of...let's say
$10 per day X 31 = $310 per ad per month
$50 per day X 31 = $1,550 per ad per month
Remember, you have to pay Google Cash for the period of time you want them to show your Ad.
Now, if your Ad get's No customer, Google Don't Care, you have already paid.
Meanwhile Google will reach out to smaller guys like us to advertise your business and guess what we get per day? NOTHING but Google Ads is always running Everywhere on our app 24 hours and we get $0.00 per day, some times up to 4 days we get $0.00 Nothing...
Look at the analytics (statistics) attached to this Notice, did you see the flat lines? it means we made NOTHING for that period of time
We have been showing Google Ads on our App since February 28 2024 and guess how much we have made so far? $16.51 in 6 Months
Meanwhile our
Internet cost $70.26 per month 
Electricity $182.67 per month.
Office Rent $562.01 per month
We spent $814.94 per month X 6 months ( $ 4,889.64 ) to show Google Ads on our App and keep the App running but guess how much we have made so far? $16.51
Honestly, we can't wait to REMOVE Google Ads from our App but for now, we have NO CHOICE 🥺🥺🥺😥😥😥
Our App has been running locally from the office for 1 year and 7 Months and we have made only $16.51
What they tell you:
You can make Money showing Google Adsense on your App/Website
You can make thouands on YouTube per month uploading videos.
What they DON'T tell you
You will have to work up to 5 - 10 years before you can be able to make enough to pay the monthly rent
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