The Insane BACKLASH to Dave Bautista being 'Skinny' (TOXIC Male Body Standards need to END)
Former pro-Wrestler and actor Dave Bautista recently slimmed down significantly - after decades of working out to achieve a huge physique. This caused a big debate …
For the last 10 years and especially since the Ukraine war started, Russia has been trying to create an image of a BASED conservative traditional country. Russia has already banned many things, and it seems …
Diddy's Victim Exposes What Celebrities Really do at his Parties
In this truth talk episode, we will be talking about one Diddy's Victims Exposing What Celebrities Really do at his Parties. Thank you for joining me for this truth talk episode. …
Huawei’s Tri-Fold Is a Historic Joke! Regretted Buying It After Just One Day
The Huawei triple-fold phone has been making headlines since its release on September 20. After more than ten days, what have the first consumers who bought it really …
Jon Stewart on "Fictional Trump" & Kosta on the VP Debate and Dockworker Strike | The Daily Show
Jon Stewart examines the false image Trump supporters have created for the former president. Michael Kosta weighs in on the vice presidential debate, …
The Chosen People of God indeed.... 😂🤣😂🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 FUCKING TERRORISTS who will NEVER have peace. Question is....Which Fucking God will choose a people who don't even know or care about HIM or HIS Laws?
The Disturbing Relationship of Justin Bieber and P. Diddy
The world around Diddy is currently crumbling into pieces. And as his secret life comes into focus while he's locked behind bars. Everything he has ever done is being looked …
How an incredibly amateur mistake left Arc Browser wide open to hackers
A major exploit was discovered in the Arc browser recently that allowed an attacker to remotely execute JavaScript on any website. Learn how this vulnerability was caused by a …