4 weeks, 2 days ago
อา. 5th มกราคม 2025
[UTC + 07:00]
How Empires Fall and Why the US is Next
Every empire falls, no matter how long they reigned and how far their rule stretched. So is the empire we’re living under today - the US Empire - also crumbling?
Judge orders Biden administration to stop selling border wall parts | Morning in America
The Biden administration has agreed to a court order preventing it from selling border wall material that the outgoing president has refused to install.
Former President Jimmy Carter, the 39th president of the United States who dedicated his life after leaving office to brokering international peace, has died at age 100, his office confirmed Sunday.
Russia's BIZARRE Holiday Tradition 🇷🇺 Putin's New Years Speech
Russian holiday traditions are really a stuff of legend. Russians go all out for New Years and Christmas, and it's a memorable and joyful holiday for many.
3 weeks, 6 days ago
พ. 8th มกราคม 2025
[UTC + 07:00]
China, a country with Over 700 million surveillance cameras 🎥🎥📸📸, yet whenever It is Time to SHOW EVIDENCE, the CAMERAS are NEVER Working.....I wonder why? Maybe because they are Made in FUCKING CHINA.
Merry Christmas Eve ScreenJunkies! We left the Honest Trailer for Red One in your stocking, while it may look like a lump of coal, on closer inspection, it's actually a $250 million turd! Ho ho ho! …
With No Pay, Workers Burn Factory; This Trend May Sweep China
It’s the end of the year again, and tensions in China over wage disputes are at a peak. This year, several regions have seen increasingly extreme methods from workers trying …