Where will Israel’s assault on Lebanon end? | The Take
Israel’s assault on Lebanon has led to more deaths in one day than any time since the end of Lebanon’s civil war in 1990. What is the calculus in what happens …
Use Less Politicians...Use Less Ignorant LAZY Politicians.
Donald Trump's Strange Relationship With Rap
With rappers popping out at Trump rallies and even featuring him on songs, it got me wondering more about Donald Trump's strange relationship with rap.
Numerous Abandoned Airports in China, Vast Terminals Empty Except for a Single Plane
To keep these airports running, some places have resorted to extreme measures. In Shanxi, the local government even issued a directive requiring government employees to prioritize air travel …
"YOU ARE DONE": Z-Propaganda Finally Turns Against Putin. Total Chaos in Z-Army // @TheRussianDude
Since the beginning of the invasion, Russia always experienced recruitment challenges and employed controversial tactics. But it was always known that there is internal corruption and conflicts within …
Ukraine and Russia exchange first prisoners since Kursk invasion
Russia and Ukraine announced Saturday they had exchanged 115 prisoners of war each, just over two weeks after Kyiv launched a surprise incursion into Russia’s Kursk region. …