Every Culture have One Thing in Common...They all believe in the Underworld (Hell), a Place of Pain, Torture and Unending War... just like now? Yes, just like now, that is why some believe we are ALREADY IN HELL.
django-components - Build re-usable components in Django with TailwindCSS and DaisyUI
This video looks at the 'django-components' package that allows developers to build re-usable, custom Django template components. We'll learn how to define these components, and use them in our Django …
Russian 'Shadow Oil Fleet' was Banned by the Arab Emirates
The shadow fleet of 700 tankers is used by Russia to ship crude oil to its economic partners: India and China. This scheme was recently uncovered and banned by the …
Australians caught in tiny homes 'rip-off' demand action | 7.30
Tiny homes have been billed as a potential solution to Australia's housing crisis with lots of new players racing into the market. But one business has left families tens of thousands …