China’s Manufacturing Firms Take A 10-Month Hiatus: Order Shortage Sparks Closures and Layoffs
Facing financial challenges, these tech companies are opting for bankruptcy and liquidation before the year ends, while others still struggle to survive into the next year. Unable …
Only a Man who has seen the End of Women can reject women and be faithful. - Only a Man who has seen the End of the World can reject the World and be faithful. - Only a Man who has seen …
Conditions Worsen for Russian Soldiers this Winter
Prominent Western media organizations such as The Economist are asking the serious question "Is Putin winning the war in Ukraine?" and the magazine claims Europe's lack of strategic vision is the cause. However, …
Number of first marriages falls below 11 million, half of what it was in 2013/China's Chaos
According to a forecast by the U.N., if China's fertility rate fails to increase and its total population continues to decline, the country's population, …
Shanghai Pudong International Airport Almost Empty as More and More International Companies Pull Out
Recently, several industry executives and experts have indicated that international pharmaceutical companies are trying to reduce their dependence on China, with Indian drug manufacturers emerging as …
The trailer for Lady Ballers, the Daily Wire's controversial new sports comedy, seemed to cause quite a stir. And now that the movie itself is out, I figured I'd take a look and find out …