Use less people will never know what it feels like to see some one showing you bundle of money in your face, meanwhile just one single bundle of that money can solve your problem and your village problem forever.....
If Black Power knows how Cool and Powerful they are, there will be NO White Power, If Black Power knows how Cool and Powerful they are, there will be NO White Power, If Black Power knows how Cool and Beautiful they …
Mufasa and Sonic The Hedgehog 3 went head-to-head at the box office, with Sonic coming out on top by a landslide. How did this happen? Well, one movie is kinda terrible while the other one is great. …
Concrete Connections: The Untold Story of the World’s Most Used Material
Concrete the most commonly used material on earth. It’s found virtually everywhere. With it we can cross deep ravines, we can scale high mountains and span huge distances. It connects …
The People are more Use Less than the Terrorists Governments....Where the fuck do you think Use Less Terrorists Governments comes from? From Use Less People....🙄🙄🙄🙄
Christmas tree set on fire triggers protests in Syria