Young People Will Never Understand Getting Old. Sam Fedele
Young people will never understand getting old, or at least thats how Sam Fedele feels in this clip from his first ever Dry Bar Comedy special. In this clip Sam talks …
Living in China for so long, we would like to share some of the comparisons that we have found between China and the west, and shed some light on the situation.
Can’t Withdraw Savings! Depositors Smash Bank Hall as China’s Banking Sector Faces Multiple Crises
Depositors in Guizhou, China, unable to withdraw their savings, vented their anger by smashing up a bank branch as a series of banking crises unfolded across …
Explosions Everywhere in China? Stores and Chemical Plants Ablaze, Worsening the Economic Woes
Recently, China has been plagued by a series of fires, following reports of heating pipe bursts and several fire incidents. The country is witnessing a surge in …