If you know how Use Less, Stupid and Lazy Poor People are, then you will understand why the Government and Rich People treat the Poor People like Peasants
‘X Virus’ Emerges: ‘Who Can Escape?’ Chinese People Plead for Help
Steven Seagal: The Most Horrible Celebrity On Earth
Steven Seagal is a well known Hollywood actor... although for all the wrong reasons. With allegations of everything from treating other actors poorly to fake martial arts, it's no secret that Steven Seagal …
Much of what we know about North Korea comes in scattered fragments, cautiously smuggled out like those fleeing its oppressive, terrifying, and abusive regime.
Alongside widespread human rights violations, indoctrination, and brutal punishments, the …
People who are working gets nothing while people who are Lazy, Use Less, Dumb and Stupid are getting everything but not for long, oh NO, not for long because Soon and very very soon...
These Schools Will Pimp Your Kids: Bobo Lamb (ComicView) Full Stand Up | Comedy Culture
Comedian Bobo Lamb (ComicView) explains why those parking signs are confusing, high gas prices, kids selling candy and more in his full stand up set from …
The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt …