For over six decades, the soles of my feet have walked this terra firma. I have seen and heard a lot. As a young man in my Odo-Ona, Ibadan neighbourhood where I …
Disease X: The next possible global health threat?
Disease X, a hypothetical illness with the potential for 20 times more fatalities than the COVID-19 pandemic, was the focal point of a panel discussion in Davos, Switzerland, on Wednesday, …
Alphabet pays Apple 36% of Safari search revenue, Sundar Pichai confirms
Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai on Tuesday confirmed that Google pays Apple 36% of Safari search revenue, under the terms of a default search agreement that is core to …
When you make Plans without including the Real MOST HIGH GOD, that Plan, no matter what, no matter how long, that Plan will NEVER succeed...You don't believe me? Ask other empires such as Babel, Babylon, Egypt or Rome....oh wait, you can't …
Never Support any Politician, They (Politicians) are ALL United and have one Purpose and their Purpose is to Steal, Kill and Destroy Everything and Everyone.