Back in my days in Nigeria, I was arrested for absolutely no reason, I was just walking home and the next thing, I was in the police station waiting to be bailed.
The Consequences of LIES....China said they have 1.4 Billion people, so, how will they make you believe their LIES? by building massive USE LESS projects....China, a Country of 1.4 Billion people, yet the most populated city have less than 50million people....Yeah …
This is why you should NEVER support any Politician, They (Politicians) are ALL UNITED Together to bring Division among the People, so They (Politicians) can continue to Steal, Kill and Destroy the Same People They (Politicians) claim to represent.
As China’s Economy Falters, Almost 50% of Chinese Women Choose to Be Single, ‘Leftover’ Women Rise
Moreover, an increasing number of educated Chinese women are expressing a lack of desire to start families. In 2021, a survey of 2,900 urban unmarried …
The End of the Palestinian State? - VisualPolitik EN
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one of the best known in history, especially because of its geopolitical complexity and the apparent impossibility of reaching an agreement to put an end to it.