Ben Shapiro is CONFRONTED with Jesus ARGUMENT and has no answer!
William Lane Craig and Ben Shapiro discuss the person of Jesus. They looked at what Jewish people thought the Messiah would be like, if Jesus really came back to life, …
Government is not the Problem, NO, the Problem will continue to be the Stupid DIVIDED People who also support the USELESS Government...Nonsense People Everywhere...
China’s INSANE Plan To Handle Disasters
China's been hit with a lot of major disasters in …
About church and science? Perhaps. What a mess this week has been. Hail storm broke a window, solar system batteries dropped to 30%, and my truck broke down in the …
Over Half of the Stores on Commercial Streets Closed in Wuxi China, Even McDonald's Faltering
Recent updates suggest that since the beginning of December, more than ten stores near the northern exit of Wuxi Central Station have been closed, showing …