No Foreign Orders! Factories Closed One After Another! Imports and Exports Both Drop in September
The General Administration of Customs in China released data showing a significant dip in both exports and imports. In September, China's exports and imports both …
Under Xi Jinping, China has purged millions of low and high-level officials from the government and the Chinese Communist Party. And now he's taken down another one—Evergrande found Hui Ka Yan. This come almost two years …
For two decades, South Africa has been teetering on the brink of disaster. Join us as we delve into the energy crisis that's shaking this regional powerhouse, uncovering the deeper implications for …
Deng Xiaoping's reforms in the 80s transformed Shenzhen, a small town near Hong Kong, into an economic powerhouse. China's rapid growth lifted millions from poverty but did it grow too quickly to be sustainable? Now China …