If you are Young and Making money, avoid alcohol and hard drugs, your body is like a baby, if you take very good care of it when you are Young, your body will take very good care of you when you …
Iranian teen injured on train while not wearing a headscarf has died, state media say
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — An Iranian teenage girl injured weeks ago in a mysterious incident on Tehran’s Metro while not wearing a headscarf has died, state …
Russia has ruled Ukraine and still control parts of Ukraine for over 100 years and you will think that because they are WHITE they should be Smart right? WRONG. White People are DUMB and STUPID too just like everyone else..NO …
PLEASE, Someone should tell Bill Gates and Friends to hurry up with their Depopulation Agenda. I used to be against it but after seeing what Dumb People like Bill Gates and Friends are capable of doing to DUMB STUPID People..I …