As much as I hate Politics & Politicians, if you think Sanctions doesn't work, that is because you don't know anything about Politics & Politicians. Sanctions Works & Subsidies Helps.
World war 1 did not end until World War 2 and World War 2 is not over yet until ALL the Men who fought during World War 2 are ALL Dead and the current men Fighting World War 3 will continue …
You don't believe in Conspiracy? Guess what? All Your Governments do believe in Conspiracy because All your Governments Conspires against and for each other...
Bunch of Dummies.
The newly unsealed indictment of former President Donald J. Trump on Tuesday leveled four …
I used to envy, yes, I USED to envy the Europeans (so called white man), but now, after knowing all I know about them...I PITY THE FOOLS. They will FOREVER kill themselves (Forever Wars). You think Germany has forgotten? You think …