Israel, America, E.U, Russia, China, Iran, Palestine, Egypt, Lebanon, UAE, Nigeria, Sudan, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Turkey it doesn't fucking matter, THEY ARE ALL TERRORISTS.
Doctor Narrates Bombing of Nasser Hospital Just Before Israeli Troops Storm Complex
A number of history's greatest empires include the Achaemenian Empire, Han Dynasty, Umayyad Caliphate, Abbasid Empire, Mongol Empire, Yuan Dynasty, Qing Dynasty, Spanish Empire, Russian Empire, and British Empire
What does All past, present and future empires have in common? …
Military Surrounds Beijing Officers’ Compound; Complete Rift Between XI Jinping and ‘Princelings'
The Chinese Communist Party’s long-delayed Third Plenum of the 20th Central Committee was held on July 15. Experts pointed out that the meeting's communiqué repeated old themes. CCP leader …
With a trifecta of issues facing Mr Beast and his team... (in my opinion)... a full scale coverup operation has begun. Silence the whistleblowers, suppress the footage, and make sure that the truth can never …
'Ticking Time Bomb': Biden on China's Economy | China In Focus
President Joe Biden is calling China’s economy a ticking time bomb. The comments made headlines, following earlier remarks that sparked Beijing's anger.
Massive unemployment & store closures in Beijing; people are afraid to spend money
This is Beijing's most known rotten-tailed shopping district, the Shimao Gongsan Shopping Center. So far, it hasn't been able to find a company willing to take over the …